3 reasons why your CEO will pay for you to attend the Influence and Impact programme from CEO Whispering


We've put a lot of work in to making the Influence and Impact programme laden with value for HR Directors. We've captured insights and wisdom from CEO’s and People experts, designed a range of interactive and practical activities to help you implement the valuable learning we will share with you, and researched extensively within the HR Director community to identify your hot buttons, development needs, and strategic goals.

We know you'll want to attend this programme if you're in our target market. But we also know you might have to persuade the bossto fund you doing it!

Here are three arguments that you could use to get the money you need to invest in your development and ongoing success…

1.  It’s not about the money: it’s about the talent.
The City is awash with funds looking for investment. Today the two limiting factors for businesses to deliver their plans are Talent and IP.

Talent is increasingly scarce,and the battle has never been fiercer. Your role as HR Director is essential to lead your organisation into this war for talent. You need to create and deliver a compelling proposition for current and future employees.
To create this proposition you must articulate the mission credibly in a way which gains the confidence of the CEO and senior leaders, and ensures they continue to support your plans over the full business cycle to deliver sustainable impact.

Our programme is designed to ensure that you gain the presence, credibility and confidence required to gain this support. This will enable your CEO to get the talent pipeline they need in order to win…and win big.


2.   It’s lonely at the top.
The CEO needs a partner who is prepared to speak truth to power. As HR Director you are in pole position to play this role if you are perceived to be a trusted advisor with unique organisational knowledge and well-honed influencing skills.

The barrier is that too many HRD’s are seen by the CEO and senior team as remaining inside their narrow HR functional silo and therefore are not able to broaden their impact across the business.

 The CEO Whispering programme will empower you to develop your ability to build relationships of trust with your CEO and SLT peers; give necessary and useful feedback to your senior colleagues to support the drive for success; and position you as a credible peer and valued sounding board for the CEO. This will lessen the pressure on them and enable them to focus more of their limited time on their strategic and commercial priorities.


3.  You can help the CEO to align the leadership team
An aligned senior team is critical for building a high-performance organisation which will beat its competitors and deliver sustainable growth. Aligning the CEO, CFO, CIO and CHRO requires a shared vision, common agenda, agreed ways of working and mutual respect to support each other and provide leadership to the organisation.
In too many organisations the HRD is marginalised as they are perceived as lacking the ability to present data fluently, manage relationships, or give feedback effectively.

Our programme solves this pain by giving you tools to present both data and organisational insight with authority and clarity.We’ll support you to take the steps required in order to communicate your mission in a compelling way, establishing you as a credible activist and valued peer. This will enable your CEO to get things done faster and easier.

Let us know what you think of these arguments; or better still, present them to your CEO and let us know the outcome!You can also visit us at www.ceowhispering.co.uk to download a brochure or email hello@ceowhispering.co.ukto set up a chat with us to find out more about how we can help you.


David Chapman and Tony Bainbridge are co-founders of CEO Whispering, providers of  the Influence and Impact programme that enables HR Directors and professionals to develop the confidence in their commercial credibility - which ensures they achieve the impact they desire with their CEO and senior leaders.

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